Hello stranger! Salutations.
We are Hypertaskers.
We can promise you that everything is going to be alright. The utopia is a lovely spot. However, you will need to be a utopian technocrat to inhabit it because In Utopia - Technology advances at a rate beyond the comprehension of the human intellect.
They call it Technological singularity, but we choose spiritual singularity because the technological singularity is a way that your Soul will be trapped within the matrix.
We believe the spiritual singularity is the place that meets all your needs. Even if it means to protect you from yourself and the spiritual Singularity isn't near, it's been here, ever since the beginning of human technology.
What is coming in our lifetime is the apex of this current Singularity. It is part of a more excellent cycle of emergent life, emergent self-awareness and self-consciousness.
We know someone on the internet thinks the same way we do, but most people will always choose comfortable prisons over fighting for freedom. Even so, we welcome you to join us, and once you're here, you're not going anywhere.
Hypertaskers is a story of operating within the system without being controlled by it. Allow us to assist you in gaining access to the next evolution of technology
– Utopian technocrat Version 1.0.
Hypertaskers.exe start working!
If you believe that the market cares about your passion, then the unpleasant fact is that you agreed to it in terms of service you didn't read and are living in your own fiction. Because There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path, and the market doesn't care about your passion. Your intuition is your inner compass.
Small firms have a success rate of about 20%, and enterprises founded on passion have a success rate of around 5% of that 20%, but the other 95% of that 20% success group are market-focused, not passion-focused. Unfortunately, the majority of company concepts are stuck in a market simulator.
The good news is that hypertasker.exe is available to help you reprogramme your ideas.
Become a technocratic utopian. Success always!
Be a utopian technocrat.
Motion as we know it is a figment of our imagination. However, we don't want you to believe that Usain Bolt was beaten by a tortoise!
However, you must understand that we are here to safeguard you from the "rat race.". The truth is: if you've been pursuing money, then you've been doing it all wrong. So never trade all of your time for money. Instead, if you want money, discover solutions to problems people want to be solved, and they will give you the money you want.
However, the amount of money you make is directly correlated with how much anxiety you can stomach because the future has become a battle of ideas. That's why You have to learn to direct from your minds - to stop Technodictators - from destroying humankind.
We now invoke the divine mental commandment "Be utopian Technocrat" with every new Gaia we make.